Tag: social security

  • Retirement provision in Germany – This is how you can provide for old-age with the 3-pillar model

    Retirement provision in Germany – This is how you can provide for old-age with the 3-pillar model

    Until a few years ago, the statutory pension insurance was considered the most important provision for old age. Since there are more and more seniors in Germany, but fewer and fewer working people who pay contributions into the pension, the benefits from the statutory pension had to be gradually reduced. As a result, the statutory…

  • The statutory pension insurance in Germany

    The statutory pension insurance in Germany

    The statutory pension insurance (“gesetzliche Rentenversicherung”, GRV), which is regulated in the Social Code (SGB VI), protects its insured persons in case of endangerment or reduction of earning capacity, in old age as well as in case of death their survivors. There are different pension types: old-age pension pension for reduced earning capacity pensions due…

  • The 5 pillars of social security in Germany

    The 5 pillars of social security in Germany

    Social security in Germany consists of statutory compulsory insurances for the majority of the population against losses that endanger the social livelihood of the insurance members and the insured community. The solidarity community is based on the principle of solidarity as opposed to voluntary individual insurance. As part of the Germany’s social policy, its goal…